GCY: Saturday, October 21, 2023

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Gurmat Center Youth Program 

Gurmat Center will be having its 72nd youth group on Saturday, October 21, 2023. GCY has been a safe space for youth in high school and university to explore Gurmat without any judgement and where a healthy sense of belonging is fostered. We sincerely hope you can attend!
Location: Gurmat Center basement (Kalgidhar Gurdwara, 30640 Blueridge Drive)
Guest Facilitator: Mata Harnek Kaur
Event Date: Saturday, October 21, 2023
Time: 4:30 - 8:00 PM
Mata Harnek Kaur Ji has been living in Abbotsford with her family for over 30 years. A devoted follower of Sikhi, Mata Ji enjoys spending time doing Seva, Simran, and Sangat. Shortly after the attack on Harimander Sahib in 1984, Mata Ji joined Sangat in doing Seva in the Parkarma and saw first hand the death and destruction that was left behind by the Indian Army. Mata Ji will be sharing the personal story of her Seva at Darbar Sahib following the Battle of Amritsar.
  • 4:30 - 5:00 PM: Rehras Sahib
  • 5:00 - 6:00 PM: Discussion

  • 6:00 - 7:00 PM:  Sports & Games
  • 7:00 - 8:00 PM:  Dinner
Please sign up for this event. You can simply sign up by replying to this email. Please mention if you have any allergies or dietary restrictions when replying to this email.

If you would like to do Rehraas Sahib or Ardaas Seva please let us know when replying to this email.


Please sign up for this event by replying to this email. In your reply, please mention if you have any allergies or dietary restrictions.

If you would like to do Rehraas Sahib Seva or Ardaas Seva, please let us know in your reply to this email!

Learn more about GCY
Phone Number: 604-855-0020
Email: info@gurmatcenter.com
Website: www.gurmatcenter.com
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