Winter Seasonal Newsletter 2023

Submitted by Gurmat on
The Gurmat Center Winter Newsletter (September-December) ❄️


What happened at GC from September to December?

This happened…

GC at the Nagar Kirtan

Every year, Gurmat Center sets up a tent at the Nagar Kirtan to inform Sangat of Gurmat Center’s various learning and Seva opportunities.

Within the vibrant tent, Sevadars eagerly distributed promotional items/merch while passionately conversing with Sangat about GC’s classes and programs. Sevadars enthusiastically inflated and handed out balloons. It was amazing to see so much Sangat come to the GC tent!

Classes Began

This year, GC welcomed back more than 475 students in mid September, with the start of our Punjabi, Santhia, Sikh Studies, Kirtan, and Gatka classes. Find out more about Gurmat Center’s classes here!

Find out more about our classes here!

Gurmat Center Youth

Throughout the program, we explore Gurmat in a supportive and non-judgemental environment, fostering a healthy sense of belonging.We are so fortunate to have amazing guest speakers come out to our GCY events! We are looking forward to seeing you at the next event!

Find out more about GCY here!

Back to School Sunday Darbar

After a 2 month long break in summer, the weekly Sunday Youth & Family Darbar returned in September! To start off the school year, the Back-to-School Darbar held on Sunday, September 17th, 2023 consisted of Kirtan, Katha, double prizes, and cupcakes!

This free weekly program is for families and youth, allowing everyone to learn more about Sikhi through Kirtan and English Katha. Please join us in the main Darbar Hall every Sunday from 5:30 - 7:00 pm!

Find out more about Sunday Darbar here!

Candy Packing

a group of people posing for a group photo in front of a building

The 20th Annual Shaheedi Smagam

Our 20th annual Shaheedi Smagam event was a success, and we sincerely thank everyone who attended. Together, we were able to commemorate the Shaheeds of 1984 and remember the atrocities inflicted on the Sikh Nation by the Indian government. It was awesome to join the Sangat in remembering our history!

a collage of photos of people at the Shaheedi Smagam
Click here to learn more about the Shaheedi Smagam

Punjabi Challenge Exam Prep

Midterm Exams and Parent Teacher Interviews

Midterm exams took place in late November & early December. Students in Punjabi, Santhia & Sikh Studies classes were tested on material covered since September. Exams were followed by parent teacher interviews to discuss student progress and exam results.

Family Movie Night

To honor the sacrifices of the Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, Gurmat Center held the second annual Winter Family Movie Night! Families gathered to watch the movie Chaar Sahibzaade, which follows the lives of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s four sons. This movie night helped Sangat come together to learn and reflect on the sacrifices our Father and brothers went through for us to be practicing Sikhi today. The event was a huge success with over 700 people in attendance!

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