Awards Ceremony Invitation Card & Donation Request

Submitted by Gurmat on

27th Annual Awards Ceremony

Now that exams have come to an end, we are looking forward to celebrating the hard work students have put in throughout the school year. Keep reading to view the class recognition schedule!



Donation Request 

With the COVID-19 pandemic impacting everyday life, we acknowledge that everyone is facing new challenges. We would like to extend a special thank you for your continued support. Gurmat Center is doing everything possible to adapt to its new challenges due to low enrollment and increased costs during this year. Despite financial difficulties, we continue to run classes to the highest standards possible with your generous support and contributions.
We are asking all families/Sangat to help support this annual recognition event through donations and Seva. Please view the sponsorship form to see areas in which we would greatly appreciate your assistance. You do not have to contribute the full amount and can donate a portion of a particular item. You can donate at the office or online at! 
Click Here to View the Awards Ceremony Sponsorship Form
Click Here to Donate Today

Please make note of the date and time for your child's Awards Ceremony by referring to the schedule below.