Please view the COVID-19 section on the menu bar for all details and updates.
For everyone’s safety, strict policies and procedures have been implemented. Please read through this section very carefully.
- Students will be seated 6 feet apart from other students and teaching staff in all classes.
- Although public/independent schools have decreased physical distancing measures, we will still be reinforcing strict rules to ensure 6 feet physical distancing.
- Students, volunteers, and staff will be required to complete a daily health assessment on Gurmat Center’s website prior to arriving to class.
- If the health assessment is not completed, students will be sent home.
- For the safety of other students, volunteers, and staff, students must stay home if they check yes to any sickness symptoms.
- All classrooms will be disinfected before and after classes.
- Students will be given hand sanitizer before entering classrooms.
- We will be increasing the frequency of cleaning on high touch surfaces.
- Visitors will be limited.
- A detailed record will be kept of all visitors.
A procedure has been developed regarding movement within the building to ensure that traffic flows in one direction:
- Entering and exiting building:
- Sangat may enter/exit from either east or west of the building.
- Doors will be designated for entering/exiting with signs.
- Sangat must follow door signs when entering or exiting the building.
- Basement
- Students & volunteers will enter from the east door and exit from the west door.
- Punjabi classroom
- Students will enter from the east side (current entrance) and exit from the west side.
- Entrance: door located to the right of the elevator
- Exit: door located to the left of the elevator
- Students coming from another province must isolate for 14 days (2 weeks).
- If students have someone from their household who has travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days, students cannot attend class for 14 days.
- If a student or family member of a student is infected with COVID-19, they are NOT permitted to come to Gurmat Center.
- Students must report the infection to the Gurmat Center office immediately via email.
- Masks are mandatory for all students, volunteers and staff.
- GC will be doing daily temperature checks for all students, volunteers and staff prior to entering the classroom/ basement.
- Students registering in this level must be in grade 2 or higher.
- There will be no volunteers or parents in the Punjabi class (only students and teachers) in order to accommodate physical distancing rules.
- Hand washing procedure: Students must wash their hands at the upstairs sinks and walk down with hands folded (to avoid touching anything) to their classroom.
- Students must wash their Hazooriya once every week at minimum.
- Although students will be physically distancing from classmates, all personal items must be labelled to avoid accidental sharing.
- A strict seating plan will be implemented in all classes. Upon arrival, students will go directly to their assigned seat and remain at their seat throughout class.
- Since class times have been reduced, students will not have a break. This will also ensure there is less contact amongst students and reduce touching of areas.
- Homework for all classes will be posted on the Gurmat Center website after each class. Students must visit the website to view and complete homework.
- Without completing homework, students will fall behind in class. This holds back both the class and the individual student.
- It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure their child(ren) complete homework on a regular basis.
- Washroom breaks will be prohibited. Students must use the washroom before arriving to Gurmat Center.
- Gurmat Center staff will not be distributing any school supplies (except workbook on the first day of class) to students. Students are responsible for bringing the following (labelled) school supplies from home:
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Sharpener
- Pencil case
- Gym bag/backpack
- Workbook (provided on first day of class)
- Hazooriya (Santhia students)
- Vaja (Kirtan students)
- Like students, teachers will remain in their designated spot throughout class (in front of the classroom).
- All teachers and staff are required to do daily temperature checks.
- In the event that a teacher is ill, class will be taught by a substitute teacher (who will be screened using the daily health assessment).
- A protocol for substitute teachers has been implemented if teachers are ill.
- All students are required to wear the official school uniform to every class. All students must wear a white Punjabi suit or kurta pajama (any design/any fabric) and a royal blue head covering (turban or rumaal). A chunni alone is not recommended because it is difficult to manage and slips off the head.
- Parents are not allowed to sit in classrooms as seats for students are limited.
- Parents are also not allowed to visit students in classrooms.
- Parents must communicate any messages to their children through the office.
- Parents/rides must wait outside of the Gurdwara Sahib or atrium area (outside of the Langar hall/across Dharm Parchar Store) when picking up students.
- Parents/rides cannot come behind the elevator area or in the basement for the safety of students, volunteers, and staff.
- Parents should plan pick up times beforehand so children are picked up from class on time.
- If parents would like to meet with teachers, they must call the office to arrange a meeting. Parents cannot enter classrooms to meet teachers without talking to the office.
- Parents must park vehicles in appropriate parking spots when dropping off and picking up children at the Gurdwara Sahib. Traffic congestion is caused when vehicles are not parked in parking stalls, and stop in the middle of the parking lot.
- When dropping off or picking up your child(ren), parents must walk them to the entrance of the building and back to the vehicle so that they are under parent supervision at all times.
- Please subscribe to Gurmat Center’s newsletter on the website. It is important that you check your emails every week. Emails include important information including midterm and final exam information, parent teacher interview schedules, and class cancellations (in case of bad weather).
To subscribe, complete the following 5 easy steps:
- Go to the website:
- Scroll to the bottom.
- In the blue banner, it says ‘Subscribe to our newsletter’.
- Fill in your first name, last name, and email.
- Hit ‘subscribe’.
- Remind is a communication platform that will help connect teachers and office staff to parents in a quick and effective way.
- Downloading this free app to your phone will allow you to receive notifications for quick classroom announcements and reminders.
- Messages can be sent to teachers, or a teacher can send a message to a parent for direct communication - similar to a text message.
- More details will be sent closer to the school year.
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Last Updated: August 18, 2020