30th Annual Awards Ceremony

Submitted by Gurmat on

30th Annual Awards Ceremony

      You are invited to the 30th Annual Awards Ceremony! Gurmat Center has been celebrating student success and accomplishments at the Awards Ceremony since 1993. The 2022 – 2023 school year marks the 30th year of the Awards Ceremony and we have a very exciting and eventful day planned for all Gurmat Center students and families to enjoy! Keep reading for more details about the Awards Ceremony! Students will receive their invitation cards and sponsorship forms throughout this week.
We are asking all families to help support this free event through donations and Seva. The form below lists areas in which we would greatly appreciate your help. If you or your business would like to sponsor this year's plaques ($250 or more), we would love to recognize you and have you present the plaques to the students. You do not have to contribute the full amount and can donate a portion of a particular item as well. Please contact the office for more details. All purchased items must be brought to Gurmat Center by Friday, June 2, 2023.

How you can donate:
  • At the Gurmat Center office! Anytime between 5:00 - 7:30 PM, Monday - Friday (Cash, cheque, or card)
  • E-transfer! Send your donation to donate@gurmatcenter.com. Please add your email in the memo so we can send you a receipt. 
  • On our website! Find us online at www.gurmatcenter.com/donate
Phone Number: 604-855-0020
Email: info@gurmatcenter.com
Website: www.gurmatcenter.com
Copyright ©|2023|GURMAT CENTER| All rights reserved.

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