Shaheedi Dihaday Break

Submitted by Gurmat on
December 19, 2022 to January 2, 2023
(Classes start on Tuesday, January 3, 2023) 
As in the past, Gurmat Center will be having its Shaheedi Dihaday Break at the same time as public schools have their Winter Break. This will allow for students and volunteers to spend well deserved time with their families and Sangat. We have changed the name of the holidays to "Shaheedi Dihaday Break" to commemorate the immense sacrifices that took place during this month including that of our beloved father Guru Gobind Singh Ji, who gave his mother and four sons for the sake of the Panth. Please remember that a holiday from school does not mean a holiday from God. Please continue to do your daily prayers!

Please also note that Sunday Youth & Family Darbar will continue throughout the break. The program takes place every Sunday from 5:30 - 7:00 pm in the main darbar hall. We encourage all families to attend! 
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