Reminder: Register Today

Submitted by Gurmat on

Only 2 weeks until classes begin!

We are very excited to start up classes again in the fall and are looking forward to another amazing school year filled with learning and achievement! Gurmat Center is committed to providing safe and quality education for all of our students despite the challenging times we are faced with.

We require parents to carefully read our restart plan linked below before registering as many changes have been implemented to our previous class structure and safety protocols. 

NOTE: Class sizes have been significantly reduced due to physical distancing. As a result, spaces are very limited and registration will happen on a first-come first-served basis". We will NOT be accepting any more students past our classroom capacity. Register now to reserve your child's spot! 



To register your child(ren) in any of our classes please click the link below. All registrations will happen online through our secure booking & payment system. Families must thoroughly read the restart plan before registering. Register today!



  • Punjabi (Levels 1-3)
  • Nitnem Santhia (Level 4) 
  • Sikh Studies (Level 5)
  • Gurbani Santhia (Level 6) 
  • Kirtan (Levels 1-5)