First Day Of Kirtan Classes

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Kirtan classes have started last week! Gurmat Center offers 5 different levels of Kirtan classes. In Level 1, students learn the basics and introductory Shabad compositions. As the levels progress, students learn more advanced and complex compositions. Throughout the school year, Kirtan students get a chance to share their learning with Sangat in Mharaj' Hajoori at Sunday Darbar! Register today on the Gurmat Center website. 

Gurmat Center Youth Program - September 30, 2023

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This month's GCY guest speaker was Bibi Japnaam Kaur. Discussion revolved around the importance of authentic Sikh representation in the acting world, especially in works that include Sikh roles. Japnaam Kaur followed this discussion by sharing the Sakhi of Bhagat Prahlad Jee through a poetic lens. The evening ended with a competitive game of handball and pizza dinner. Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us! 

Santhia Classes Have Begun!

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As we embark on the new school year, our Santhia classes have begun! We are extending a warm welcome to each and every student! Before starting anything new it is important that we receive blessings of Guru Jee. To start Level 6 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee Santhia, students went up to darbar and did Ardas. 

First Week Of Punjabi Classes

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With Guru Jee's Kirpa, Gurmat Center classes have kickstarted with great energy. Classes like Punjabi, Sikh Studies, Nitnem Santhia and Guru Granth Sahib Jee Santhia took place this last week and are continuing to do so! These pictures are taken from all level 3 levels of Punjabi classes we have here at Gurmat Center. We welcome back all the dedicated students, teachers and sevadars! 

School Start - Up Staff Meeting

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A highly productive school start staff meeting was recently held, bringing together this exceptional group of sevadars that do seva in various departments including Punjabi, Sikhs Studies, Gatka, and the Gurmat Office. This meeting provided a valuable opportunity for staff members to reconnect and engage in discussions related to the current school year. 

School Year Volunteer Orientation

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Two weeks ago, our volunteer orientation took place for all the sevadars who will be doing seva during the school year. This orientation served as a valuable opportunity for everyone to become acquainted will all the roles and responsibilities they will be fulfilling on a weekly basis. These amazing sevadars will de dedicating their time assisting in Punjabi & Kirtan classes, the Dharam Parchar Store and the Office.